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There are 4 initiations as part of the Angel initiation and are all completed as one. Each one is very important and must be completed in this order. The Third Eye Initiations There are several variations of Third Eye Initiations which have been passed down in various beliefs such as Wiccan, Buddhism, Tibetan teachings, however we will use the mandala which originated in Eastern religions. It is circular and represents the Universe and wholeness. The mandala has been used by many to align themselves to the

Upper Astral Crown Initiation which seeks to fine tune your alignment and open a clear channel to the Angels that you can accept messages and healing directly.

The Heart Initiation seeks to open the heart chakra, which is essential in working with healing energy in any form. This Initiation plants a seed and it is up to the individual to develop that energy through meditation and practice.

Angel Initiations These Initiations aim to connect you directly a spiritual presence or a new guide or angel guide. It is the final initiations in the set and the most important. You are open and you are ready. This initiation is for channelling healing, receiving guidance and forming a connection to celestial beings. It is usual to feel waves of pure love and energy washing over you as the Angels make themselves known.

Levels:  1
Symbols:  3
Founder: Alaya
Prerequisite: None

Course Fees Include

* A detailed Manual of the Course (e-mailed to you).
* A Certificate of Completion (e-mailed to you).
* Lineage: The spiritual line of the teachers back to the founder of the system.
* Distant Initiation / Attunements of the Course sent energetically with Love.
The initiations sent by the Master - Teachers of Reiki University are the most powerful since all systems have been upgraded to a new advanced healing level so that they can be the most empowering they can be!
* A Healing Attunement sent energetically one day after the Initiatory Attunements for Personal Cleansing, Healing and Empowerment.  Clears the charkas and the energy channels and addresses our specific personal needs.
* A complete Healing Session which is sent energetically seven days after the Initiatory Attunements for the integration and assimilation of the course. This beautiful energy session is personal and it grounds the power and wisdom of the Self. It harmonizes and balances your energy on all levels. It is a very relaxing and rejuvenating personal energy cleansing and energy healing sent with much light and LOVE. 


Price: 35 €